Our commitment to social sustainability has contributed to our strong performance and is fundamental to our success.
In Papua New Guinea, pre-school education is not formalized, and we wanted to change that! We started two community centers for our employees and their families and two playschools for the employees’ children aged three to six years. The school is free of charge and managed by four teachers trained for early child development. In 2020, the class reached a capacity of 40 students. All of them graduated and moved to grade 1.

As a pilot project, we started with an adult literacy program in 2019, the first business to participate in such an initiative. The classes were offered to co-workers who speak English but do not read or write and ran for 12 weeks. The participants practiced reading, writing, math, and practical knowledge like using the ATM. Unfortunately, the classes were stopped due to the pandemic, but still, we managed to purchase more than 300 books for small libraries in each of our compound-based schools in Kokopo, PNG.

In cooperation with the PNG University of Natural Resources and Environment, we carried out a High Value Conservation Value Assessment during 2019/2020. We are proud to say that biological diversity was proven in all plantations and buffer zones and a significant number of plants species within plantation buffers. All sites are shown to have rich avifauna diversity and insects, mammals, and endemic species.
Based on this research, we ensure the values found are maintained and further enhanced. And on the social-cultural side, this includes continued support of local community needs, whereas, on the ecological side, it covers water catchment or erosion control. The biological aspect is preserving endemic species or protecting places of critical temporary use.
You see, our list is long, and every single point contributes towards a greener, lighter, and more sustainable future.
For further information please contact:
3A Composites Core Materials
Airex AG
Industrie Nord 26
5643 Sins, Switzerland
Phone +41 41 789 66 00