We are committed to supporting indigenous communities and responsible forestry to ensure a greener future.
We want a greener future! Not only for ourselves but also for every living being on this planet. Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do and the basis for creating a greener and happier future. We care about our employees and the local communities in the area of our influence. Smaller and bigger initiatives are regularly rolled-out in Ecuador and Papua New Guinea that bring our corporate social responsibility alive.

In Ecuador, we participated in infrastructure projects repairing a local access road in Cotopaxi, enabling local farmers to transport products to the large markets and ensuring income and welfare for their families. We planted balsa trees in public areas of Quevedo as part of our plan to create a more sustainable and greener future and donated several bus stops to the city. We are committed to developing indigenous communities and responsible forestry to ensure a greener future.

A 2-year technical cooperation agreement with the Achuar Nationality of Ecuador was signed in 2021, promoting sustainable forestry practices and responsible growth, harvesting, and processing of the balsa wood for this indigenous community.
We pay close attention to Conservation Value Attributes (CVA) and in this regard to the archaeological and cultural values attributed to the Milagro-Quevedo Culture, which constitutes one of the pre-Columbian cultures of Ecuador with the most significant territorial extension. We fully recognize our responsibility and mission to preserve such heritage and further develop our sustainable mindset for happy future generations to come.
For further information please contact:
3A Composites Core Materials
Airex AG
Industrie Nord 26
5643 Sins, Switzerland
Phone +41 41 789 66 00