Our model of sustainable forestry with dual sourcing from two independent world regions is the key to our reliability and the benefit for our partners worldwide.
Nature is our home, and we do everything to preserve its wellbeing. With thousands of hectares of FSC® certified owned and managed balsa wood plantations in Ecuador and Papua New Guinea, we are green from the top and even greener to the core. Our bio-enhanced breeding program delivers the best seeds to our nurseries, where more than 3 million trees are prepared for planting every year. Specialized talents select the best specimens and ensure traceability from seed to core material from the beginning until the end.

Balsa wood has a very short growth cycle of only 4 - 5 years, and we are happy to say that our harvest degrade is lower than our biomass increase. Therefore, our BALTEK® SBC made exclusively from our plantations is the world's only carbon-neutral core material. Our commitment to sustainability is the key to the fight against climate change.
Our global teams are inspired to supply sustainable lightweight materials everywhere at any time. Our model of sustainable forestry with dual sourcing from two independent world regions is the key to our reliability and the benefit for our partners worldwide. This way, we guarantee globally stable and reliable balsa supply at responsible forestry management not touching primary forests.

Thanks to this fully integrated and sustainable business model, controlling single seeds to the final core material and kits manufacturing (KITS@SOURCE), we have a deep understanding of how to master balsa – the most natural and carbon-neutral core material on the market.
For further information please contact:
3A Composites Core Materials
Airex AG
Industrie Nord 26
5643 Sins, Switzerland
Phone +41 41 789 66 00