Our AIREX® and BALTEK® core materials are fire-resistant, fulfill the highest FST standards, have excellent mechanical properties, very high insulation properties, support radar transparency, and are easy to process and recycle.
Modern aerospace applications are prime examples of complex lightweight systems. Low weight leads to better flight performance, lower fuel costs, reduced environmental impact, and extended payload. There is no room for mistakes due to the strict criteria for long-term stability, quality, and safety.
With that in mind, composite sandwich technology, with its unique potential for weight savings in various aerospace applications, is the perfect choice for the job. Furthermore, as previously stated, there can be no mistakes, so our AIREX® and BALTEK® core materials are ideal for our global aircraft industry partners! They are fire-resistant, meet the highest FST criteria (FAR 25'853), have outstanding mechanical properties, support radar transparency, and are simple to process and recycle. Simply said, they are the safest and best option for carefree flights.

Whether you manufacture sandwich panels by vacuum bagging or RTM, you can choose from our broad portfolio and benefit from unique technical material properties. AIREX® PET foams are easy to thermoform into complex shapes and geometries, while AIREX® R82 and AIREX® TegraCoreTM provide the best heat release and BALTEK®
provides inherent insulation.
We guarantee global material availability because our balsa wood comes from our plantations in two independent world regions, while PET is constantly produced on each continent. Furthermore, we offer excellent international service backed up by our global distribution network.
The sky is not the limit, and there are no boundaries for finding sustainable solutions! We built vast expertise on a foundation of thorough knowledge and competencies in material science and the production and processing of sandwich composites. We deliver the most optimized material solution for maximizing flight qualities.
For further information please contact:
3A Composites Core Materials
Airex AG
Industrie Nord 26
5643 Sins, Switzerland
Phone +41 41 789 66 00